New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church of East Toledo believes that all people are on a journey. We SHOULD be working together to help one another. 
Here is an opportunity to share your thoughts in order that God might use them to help someone else. Please be Godly to the best of your ability. Everything here should be encouraging.  
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Posted by Daniel Stevenson on 06-Jul-2024 at 23:43:41 EST
Subject: Stewardship

To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48). You had better let you have been blessed with determine how much you bless others. Bless out of your strength and do not hold back because nothing less than a serious effort to apply that which has been given into our stewardship as a blessing from God is a mistake. We can do this. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

Posted by Daniel Stevenson on 05-Jul-2024 at 14:58:53 EST
Subject: Podcast

New Heights podcast is awesome.

Posted by Daniel Stevenson on 05-Jul-2024 at 14:55:28 EST
Subject: Seek God and Being blessed

Asa followed the principle that if you seek God you will be blessed. It's better than many other principles the world comes up with but it is not the knowledge that saves. The equation is this: seek God and He will show Himself. God does all the saving work through His son Jesus Christ. #reachingnewheightsinjesus

Posted by Daniel Stevenson on 04-Jul-2024 at 09:17:49 EST
Subject: Lifestyle and sins

Sometimes we think that being a Christian is like living a simple lifestyle or doing away with certain sins that offend. Lifestyle and sin count are certainly affected but these things are not even primary. Our goal is a right relationship with God through His son. As we have sought Him so He has revealed Himself and as we have walked in Him so we have become are becoming someone that more glorifies Him. We need Him more than He wants us which is saying a lot because He wants us more than the universe or more than we can understand wanting. Thank you God for paving the way.

Posted by P. Daniel Stevenson on 13-Apr-2024 at 09:41:06 EST
Subject: Cage Match

Life is a cage match. We won until we didn't. We thought we were just getting by even though we weren't. Get on the right side, the winning side, and run the real race apart from the rat race. Jesus had already paid the tab and you and others like you are sitting at the tables refusing to get up because they don't want to walk out without paying. Stuck much?

Posted by Pastor Daniel Stevenson on 01-Apr-2024 at 10:26:14 EST
Subject: Music

New Heights Fellowship worship is a mix of "hymns" and more contemporary music. Our music is led by our praise team Not Of This World Praise Band. We use piano, keyboard, drums, guitar, and bass guitar with both male and female vocal leads. The hymns from "the hymnal" are mixed in updated but we do not use hymnals. We use power points to display words. We usually do at least one song <br>every worship service with motions and involve the children to learn them and sing. I pray that those who are set in a certain way of worshipping will always find a place or create a place for like-minded individuals to worship. Personal preference in this area is absolutely fine but it is truly more important to be found faithful in the church that God has placed you in. If yes believer don't stop trying hard to find your permanent church home.

Posted by Pastor Daniel Stevenson on 01-Apr-2024 at 10:12:15 EST
Subject: Appointments Available

Sunday's sermon for me thinking about how we can literally spend time with the risen Savior. He is with us and in us in everything we do if we have been born again. We ought to seriously consider then what o it r actions should be since He is meant to be participating in every one of them with us. The fact that He continues to make intercession for us eternally is the only reason we remained saved forever even if we make mistakes. Live video on<br>#reachingnewheightsinjesus

Posted by Haylee Ross on 11-Mar-2024 at 20:53:00 EST
Subject: Inquiring about possible help with car repairs

Hello I wanted to inquire to see if your church helps with car repairs. I recently got out of an abusive relationship and I’m currently staying at the YWCA domestic violence shelter and I’m having a little car trouble. I’m not sure if your organization helps with this sort of thing so I thought I’d reach out and ask. If it’s something you can’t help with maybe you know of other churches or organizations in the area that might help. Thank you for your time. I’m very grateful for any help. Please feel free to call, text or email me.<br>Thank you <br>Haylee- 419-607-3476

Posted by Jason Wellington on 01-Jan-2024 at 09:50:49 EST
Subject: New Year to fellowship

Happy New Year<br><br>My prayers are for our joy and peace, and for God to restore all that was lost in the prior year in 2024, may He do these things but we should also pray the command below.<br><br>Luke 21:36<br>So keep watch at all times, and pray that you may have the strength to escape all that is about to happen and to stand before the Son of Man.”<br><br> I want things to be better, but what if they get worse? I want tragedy to stay far away from America's door step but what if the cup of her fornication and adultery with other gods is completely full and judgement has been declared already against her. It's only by prayer and digesting the Word of God that you will have peace, joy, and contentment in the year 2024 and being filled by the morrow of God by fellowshipping with the rest of His body.<br><br> In our physical human body, marrow flows from bone to bone through joints. This morrow is the stuff that produces red blood cells to carry oxygen, and white blood cells to fight infection. It produces platelets to stop bleeding. These are the things the body of Messiah is to help do for each other. We should help fight infections in our brothers and sisters life's, wether they be bad thoughts or bad company. We should help one another breath better by streangthening each other in the joy and peace of the Lord and we should bind up the wounds with the love of God, the true healing salve of our lives.

Posted by Amy A on 23-Oct-2023 at 13:29:48 EST
Subject: Lady in need.

I know a lady whose rental home has no heat. The landlord won't let her hire her own help to fix the system. What can she do? Could you help ? She lives near Nevada / Dearborn please text only. 4199137461