Spiritual Gift Survey: God has given every Christian at least one special gift/ability. The Holy SPirit has picked exactly the right Spiritual Gifts for every believer. One can take a survey to begin to explore the topic. Note: the gifts are meant for use in the context of the New Testament Local Church and can be very detrimental to the walk of a believer if He/She does not have that. Here is a link to a good Spiritual Gift Survey. Link Here
This page is under construction (Note posted 05/10/2022) but it will be the home for the Life Station training programs.
 We will be updating this page with methods, materials and links available for free to help persons who are trying to better themselves. The plans are for all electronic materials to be absolutely free. We hope to help those who are homebound, or struggling with transportation to have access to materials that will help them in their growth. 
Currently, we are planning five tracks.
Video Track: Videos on your computer or your smart phone. A sample is below. You should be prepared to take notes and be aware that writing something down maens your studying and that's the right idea. The Video tracks will be under construction for a long time but the process has begun.  
Mail Track:  You will receive a mailbox Bible study in your mail box. You complete the study and send it back (the postage cost for sending it back is covered by you.) When you mail back the current Bible study it will be graded and another will be sent. This is a limited number of lessons but if you are faithful with doing the lessons and sending them back you will receive much blessing from the process. This is not administered by Life Station and our primary role in this is to get you signed up. Generally, we can provide you with a free Bible as well.
Texting Track: You will text in a keyword and receive the link to the first lesson sent to your cell phone.You will complete the lesson on your cell phone and then when the lesson is complete you will receive the next lesson. Your progress will be tracked on our end and you will receive a certificate of completion when finished. You will also be given permission to give the keyword to others so they may participate in the free lessons. This program is fully administered by Life Station and New Heights with possible help from other NWOBA churches. Texting rates and data rates on your cell phone may apply. 
Zoom Track: Via Zoom App or other live video conferencing App live trainings will be conducted. You will sign up and then will receive the link for the meeting to be sent to your phone or computer. you will be able to call in or connect via the zoom App (this free for personal use.) You will complete the training session with a live teacher who will then send you a certificate of completion. 
In-person training session: This is limited availability training sessions where one (often two) of our teachers will come out to you in your home and teach the session. They will bring the materials and the certificate of completion with them. You will be allowed to invite a number of other participants to this session. They will be able to complete the training material and receive the certificate of completion at the same time. These trainings are the most costly and that means the least available. Appointments for training sessions will be in high-demand and will need to be kept. 
Some of the trainings we intend to offer will be spiritual in nature in keeping with the fact that we are a 501C3 faith-based non-profit. Some will be life skills trainings. Others will be a combination of both. 
If you need specific life coaching these trainings may NOT be for you. Pastor Daniel Stevenson is a certified Life Coach as are several others locally and it might be possible to request a visit from a certified life coach if that is what you truly need. If our trainers begin to feel that you are more in need of such services, they may recommend them. However, all trainings we provide will be free of charge unless at some point in time that is simply no longer possible. What's more, all persons who have completed at least one training in the preceding year will be entered into a drawing quarterly to receive a gift card (or more than one.) A clients name will be in the drawing once for every session they have completed. 
Known Coming training Topics
Vid 101 Overview and Introduction: Pastor Dan explains the training program, New Heights, the Life Station, and encourages a good start for growth. 
Vid 102 The Gospel 
101 SM: Explain the Basic Gospel This is a straight forward teaching of the basic gospel based on how the disciples understood it. The material will explain the gospel and help prepare the trainee to share the gospel. 1 session-30 Minutes (No Pre-requisites) 
201 FC: Finding a Local Church Home (The outline for this lesson is on-line in this website as are some resources to help you find a new church home. Link Here) You must complete the training through one of the courses in ordered to get the certificate of completion and be entered into quarterly prize drawings.  1 Session-30 Minutes (No pre-requisites)
201 G: Gratitude This is straight Forward teaching about thankfulness. It explains the why, the how, and the Biblical position on thankfulness. It isn't always easy to be thankful. In fact, the Lord asks us to be thankful about certain things that we might feel like are impossible. 1 Session-30 Minutes (No pre-requisites)
301 AM: How to Handle Your Anger This is a Biblical lesson on how anger should be handled. The material is based on a Christian written clinical psychology guide. Anger is a real part of life and it's not just going away. This material will teach how to handle it when it comes, how to know if it is legitimate, and more. 1 Session-50 Minutes (pre-requisite 101 SM or professing Christian)
101 OT1-2: Basic Old testament Overview 1-2 This is a basic overview of the teachings of the Old Testament with a brief look at every book or at least every group of books. If you are Bible scholar you probably don't need a course like this. But, if you are looking for a good understanding of how it all fits together and you don't already have it this might be the perfect thing.  1-2 Sessions-30 minute each-(No Pre-requisites however professing Christian would be very helpful) (Note: If you are interested and the teacher is available then you may be able to schedule these 2 sessions back to back for a total of one hour.)
101 NT1-2: Basic Old testament Overview 1-2 This is a basic overview of the teachings of the New Testament with a brief look at every book or at least every group of books. If you are Bible scholar you probably don't need a course like this. But, if you are looking for a good understanding of how it all fits together and you don't already have it this might be the perfect thing. 1-2 Sessions-(No Pre-requisites however professing Christian would be very helpful) (Note: If you are interested and the teacher is available then you may be able to schedule these 2 sessions back to back for a total of one hour.)
So much more to come... 
 Vid 101 Overview and Introduction: